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97 lines
2.9 KiB

use Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader;
return [
'patchers' => [
function ($filePath, $prefix, $contents) {
// PHP-Parser patch
if ($filePath === 'vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/NodeAbstract.php') {
$length = 15 + strlen($prefix) + 1;
return preg_replace(
'%strpos\((.+?)\) \+ 15%',
sprintf('strpos($1) + %d', $length),
return $contents;
function ($filePath, $prefix, $contents) {
return str_replace(
function ($filePath, $prefix, $contents) {
if (strpos($filePath, 'src/Psalm') === 0) {
return str_replace(
[' \\PhpParser\\'],
[' \\' . $prefix . '\\PhpParser\\'],
return $contents;
function ($filePath, $prefix, $contents) {
if (strpos($filePath, 'vendor/phpmyadmin/sql-parser/src/Context.php') === 0) {
return str_replace(
'\'' . $prefix,
'\'\\\\' . $prefix,
return $contents;
function ($filePath, $prefix, $contents) {
if (strpos($filePath, 'vendor/openlss') === 0) {
return str_replace(
$prefix . '\\DomDocument',
return $contents;
function ($filePath, $prefix, $contents) {
if ($filePath === 'src/Psalm/Internal/Cli/Psalm.php') {
return str_replace(
'\\' . $prefix . '\\PSALM_VERSION',
return $contents;
function ($filePath, $prefix, $contents) {
$ret = str_replace(
$prefix . '\\Psalm\\',
return $ret;
'whitelist' => [
'files-whitelist' => [